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The aim of this page is to provide our marketing & sales partners with guidance as it relates to messaging and the tools required to promote NAI products. Please review & update any existing webpages you may have to reflect these changes & utilize the available sales tools as appropriate.

Please note that the presentations available here contain proprietary information. They may be distributed to prospective customers only by authorized representatives of North Atlantic Industries. Transmission of these materials for another purpose requires the prior written consent on NAI.

If you have any questions or require additional resources, please reach out to our team at​


COSA® Selection Guide
Shortform Catalog Containing Information On Preferred COSA Products

COSA® Sales Sheet
Double-sided handout showcasing NAI's COSA Diagrams

Adjunct Mission Processing Unit Handout
Double-Sided Handout Featuring NAI's AMPU Solutions

Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) Handout
Double-Sided Handout Covering NAI's TSN and Digital Backbone Capabilities

MOSA-Aligned SIU36 Data Concentrator Unit Handout
Double-Sided Handout Featuring NAI's SIU36 Product Details and Press Release

X-59 QueSST Tri-Redundant, COTS Flight Control Computer Handout
Double-Sided Handout Featuring NAI's SIU35 Product Details and Press Release

Advanced FCC for RASCAL Research Helicopter Handout
Double-Sided Handout Featuring NAI's Product Details for RASCAL Helicopter and Press Release


North Atlantic Industries

COSA® Introduction

COSA® Design Advantages

NAI Engineering Teaching Lab at SBU

The NAI Team, Core Values & Philosophy